In last few weeks, I have been in midst of some ‘talent
development’ work.
A few thoughts have been running through my mind.
Someone is identified as ‘talent’ because s/he will be
demonstrating differentiated performance consistently, behaviors/abilities
that company is betting on in future, and/or demonstrating behaviors/abilities for higher order/critical roles for company.
Development options charted out for a 'talent' have to reflect
atleast last two of above.
These options again can be in form of classroom trainings,
development experiences (e.g: projects), and/or learning for leaders/coaching/mentoring.
What we attempted, as a first step, was learning from leaders.
We had 3 leaders speaking to ‘talent’ and what they left
them with were clarity, inspiration, motivation, and reflection. Additionally having
all ‘talent’ in one room provided them an opportunity to ‘extend personal networks’.
Question I am left with is ‘what’s next’.