What is place at work for communities?
With our workplaces becoming more ‘virtual’ and ‘spread out’,
there’s a fair chance that those with similar skills/specialties may not have opportunity
to be co-located and or meet frequently.
Communities can be an effective way to ensure that these
common interest/skill/specialty groups work towards a common goal.
There are a few principles that might help in ensuring an
effective community:
· Community
needs to shape, drive, and own its agenda.
Hence it is important that most of the planning and execution is done by
team/sub-team members.
· Community
will have need for resources, organization champions, and/or alignment with
work in organization. It helps if community has sponsorship of a senior leader.
· Way
community functions is more in realm of group functioning than of subject matter
knowledge. Having a HR partner who can provide a SME perspective on group
functioning can help.
· The
scope of work needs to be relevant for individual team members. Outcomes of
work should be something which team members can implement in some form or the
other when they go back to their day jobs.
What’s been your experience with effective communities?