Language we use supposedly influences what our mind focuses on. So if we say that ‘I want to have an ice-cream’, our mind focuses on ice-cream and that’s where our energy is drawn. But if we say that ‘I don’t want to have an ice-cream; even then our mind focuses on ice-cream, but not on the ‘no’, and our energies are drawn towards ice-cream again.
So a better way of saying that ‘I don’t want to have an ice-cream’ maybe would be to say ‘I feel like dieting today’ J. That’s the closest I could get to forming a positive, affirmative statement in this case.
If we were to implement this learning in the organizational context, what all organizational terminologies/phrases would change?
Let me talk of a few commonly used organizational terminologies and their possible ‘more positive’ alternate.
- 0% offer rejects or 100 % offer accepts (in recruitment)?
- 0% employee attrition or 100 % employee retention?
- Compensation or Rewards?
- Reduce Dissatisfaction or Increase Engagement?
- Reduce conflict or Increase co-operation/collaboration?
- Don’t make mistakes or Do things right?
- Think out of the box or Think in another box?
- 0% deviation or 100 % compliance?
- Don’t intellectualize too much or Its time to action?
- Do things beyond ordinary or Innovate?
- Don’t be so task focused or Be task and people focussed?
- Don’t be inauthentic/artificial or Be authentic and genuine?
- Don’t be harsh/nasty or Be sensitive?
- Reduce stress or Enjoy and be happy?
I can instantly relate to the 2nd option in each of the above cases.
I could also think of how some of the language we use outside work can undergo changes too:
- I want to lose weight or I want to be in shape?
- I want to reduce my health problems or I want to be healthy?
- I don’t want a meaningless and boring life or I want a meaningful life?
What are some of the languages, terminologies, and phrases you use that you might want to change?
Can you think of some other ‘negative focussed’ terminologies/phrases frequently used at work?
What ‘positive focused’ terminology/phrase can we use instead of their ‘negative focused’ counterparts?