Wednesday, January 16, 2013


What works with A doesn’t seem to work with B? But I meet them and work with them frequently. And then there also are C, D, E, and F.

I realize I am partnering 6 leaders for either their businesses or in specific projects.

While basic steps in partnering leaders don't change much, what certainly does change is way one partners. This revolves around way one gets work done while working with these leaders.

Let me illustrate through a few examples.
  • How does one build working trust with leader? -through task completion or through first focusing on relationship
  • How does leader take decisions? - does s/he prefer problems being stated and figuring out his/her own solutions or does s/he prefer hearing recommended solutions too?
  • How does leader prefer interacting?-
    • In person or comfortable with virtual meetings too
    • Prefers agenda being shared beforehand or is ok getting a meeting without a pre-shared agenda.
  • How does leader prefer hearing bad news? How does s/he prefer being disagreed with?- in person or comfortable over phone /emails too?
  • What is level of structure/unstructure leader prefers? How much data/feeling/intuition driven is s/he?
  • How far or near does leader draw organization boundaries and how permeable are those boundaries?  How does one ensure one's acceptance and effectiveness through those boundaries?

These are some of initial questions I have formed my workable answers around. I want to explore and develop these answers further in upcoming months.


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