Sunday, April 20, 2014

Managing Change

Change management involves initiating change, sustaining change through change process, and realizing results.

Formula for change ( D*V*F>R) provided a framework on how to initiate change process.

But what frameworks can you use for change process?

Organizational change itself gets complicated through interplay of a number of variables- a) time period during which change progresses can extend across months/years; b) you need to be able to transition while maintaining focus on short term results, and c) working through resistance and /or maintaining momentum/energy/motivation - as people are invariably a large part of change equation.

Framework I've used to sustain change through change process involves 4 key components:

1) Choose 3-4 key objectives and metrics (quantitative/qualitative)that have buy in of key decision makers.

Limit number to not  more than 3-4 to ensure that maximum attention is devoted to objectives and metrics that matter.

2) What are key behaviors that you want changed from key stakeholders? What will new behaviors look like (an outcome of a discussion on what success might look like)? Behaviors are observable and at end of day any 'below surface' change should get manifested in changes in behavior.

3) Hold leaders accountable for driving change. Have a team that program manages change. Institute RACI for different stakeholders.

An important part of the entire exercise is communication. Along with focusing on what and how, communications should also focus on why. Once people are onboard on why, resistance might lessen and progress in what and how becomes simpler.

4) Have an execution plan in place for a defined period (eg- 1 year). Check in at agreed times on progress against execution plan.



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