Friday, July 11, 2014

Hacking Culture

How do you ‘hack culture’? You might first ask me what ‘hacking culture’ means.

Well! It’s about creating a significantly different, and not an incremental, vision of culture – and finding non-traditional ways to move towards that vision.

Now, let’s get back to ‘how’ question.

You could use 2 different approaches to ‘hack culture’.

On one hand, you could get a large group of diverse people in a room – and ask them to throw caution to wind and come up with innovative ideas. In this approach, you are providing no structure/tools to think innovatively.

On other hand, you could provide people in room some structure/tools to help them start thinking differently.

First approach may work in a situation where team itself brings very diverse perspectives to table –probably because of their diverse backgrounds. Secondly team members are accustomed to a lot of change – and hence will not be too wedded on to the current culture.

Second approach may work in a situation where people in room might have very similar thoughts/ideas - probably because of similar backgrounds. Secondly team members might have a seen a long period of certainty – and so are probably emotionally attached to the current culture.


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