Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why will I Blog?

When Sourav gave me this offer I was really intrigued. Me and blog...no way! already am seen to be a man of few words (and sometimes few actions also :-) ). So as is the intent behind the thought laboratory, why would anybody want to blog?
Any thoughts....?


  1. What is the visual which comes to your mind when you think of a laboratory? I can see test tubes, mixtures, liquids of strange colours, some bottles being heated, strange smells coming out of places ..and all the while i am intrigued. I am exploring and trying to see if i get to know something new.

    I remember when i was in school, i used to prefer the lab classes to the theory classes - the lab classes were so much more fun. You had to do things in a certain way but you could also experiment and see whether you could find something new.

    A cricketer would love playing on the ground. But would he not need a space where he reflects on what could be done better? Does Sachin only play when it's a match? Or is there background work which happens? Is this background work a solo effort?

    Blogging is just a medium where some people get together to run a laboratory..experiments.. to throw up a few concotions and see what comes out.

    Maybe for all you know, sooner or later we would have hit upon some big idea. Maybe we would not. But then Newton's career spanned over decades but he is known just for 3 laws - sentences :).

    Enough of my rambling for the time being! :)


  2. I was reflecting on when would I want to blog. I could not come up with many reasons except for the fact that I want to share some insights, on which others would share their views and therefore come to a 'eureka moment'; maybe!
    But for this to happen there needs to be a conversation, an interaction, a two-way discussion. But blogs do not seem to have that as it seems to become a monologue...
    Reflecting on this offer from Sourav...it seems that is exactly whats missing in a blog.
    It does not seem to facilitate a discussion, but it provides a medium for an 'uninterrupted' 'flow' of thoughts!
    I remember VSP's blog talking about how blogging refelects a big change in culture, where previously many of the topics were meant to be in one's personal diary, but now they are up in the outside!
    Yes, I agree with Sourav, the point is germination of ideas - but finally a fusion of thoughts needs to happen for fruition of the result. How do I do that?

    Maybe blogs is not the only means, but can be an outlet! Let’s see how I take to it….


  3. Sorry for getting in to this uninvited.

    Sometimes one should do a thing, stop and see what [s]he feels and has gained. I did it that way. Blogging is immensely enjoyable to me. Do it and see!

    Besides the creative part, that is to say if you try out new forms of communicating ideas, like limericks or Lulu, I have connected with people I did not know and they are all highly talented people [bloggers]. I was in Chennai two days ago in a meeting with stalwarts in HR and I was surprised that they had read my blog at some time or other. A lady from England offered money to support education of a bright young boy who wanted to study engineering and whose father had to sell cattle and raise a loan to finance his study; she read it on my blog.

    I value these experiences because these bring happiness and/ or surprises. No amount of these aspects are enough for me, how about you?

    To sum up, we should blog because [a] it helps us to be creative - and a creative person also generates positivity and [b] it leads to some surprises in experiences.

    Just do it!


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