Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Here is 2nd post i had written over 5th-6th Feb weekend.
Would you associate the word 'rhythm' with word/terms 'stretch' or 'burning the midnight oil'?

If  rhythm (what we do as part of our day-to-day work) causes us to 'burn midnite oil' over a significant period of time, what does it tell us?

For a start, it tells me that things aren't in rhyhm/flow.

There can be various reasons for this, viz:
  • Work unit may be understaffed.
  • Work plans/processes may have redundant (can be removed) process steps
  • There might be too many 'streams of rhythm/flow' running simultaneously. This might cause a sense of lack of rhythm in the larger picture .
Are these the reasons at play or is it something else?

Well! I will be intentional about finding out and finding back a daily rhythm in life and work.


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